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A significant number of owners of classic cars also possess family cars that they use on a daily basis. So, if that is the case, what we have to say below may be doubly beneficial.
Some interesting research was recently completed by people at that is a price comparison website. They found a potentially optimum period when it could be more beneficial from a financial perspective to deal with the renewal of your car insurance having received your renewal notice from your existing insurer.
Such renewal notices tend to be issued around a month before the policy is due to be renewed. There are a lot of people who do not bother to see if they can get a better deal with another provider upon receiving their renewal notice merely accepting the car insurance premium offered. However, many people that do decide to shop around at that time tend to leave it until the last minute thinking that they may be able to get a cheaper last minute deal. Regrettably, this is often not the case.
In fact, the above price comparison website discovered that the optimum period in which to obtain competitive quotes was between 15 to 24 days before a motorist’s existing car insurance policy is coming up for renewal. This is because, in some cases, drivers could make savings of between 33% to 45% on average. With premiums currently at very high levels this could be a huge monetary saving.
Although the research appears to have focused on car insurance premiums it is quite possible that similar savings could be made on classic car insurance premiums that are coming up for renewal.
We do hope that the above has given you “food for thought”. If it has, why not get in contact with us shortly after receiving your classic car insurance renewal notice and let us see if we can help save you some money. After all, we have been around for many years and provide access to a panel of reputable specialist insurers providing quality cover.